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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Cloud Atlas

Are you freaking kidding me?  There's an "extended" trailer available that is about 6 minutes long.  That's not a f**king trailer, that's a short film!  I'm about to watch it, but first I'll watch the 2 minute trailer...

Back in about 8 minutes................. with two trailer reviews.



Great cast.

The 2.31 trailer told me that all of our lives are inter-connected and everything affects everything else and past lives and future lives are connected and maybe inter-twined and love is eternal and love is fleeting and maybe the future is the past and the past is the present and the present is the future and presently, I have no idea what the movie is about.

The short film trailer, 5.42, told me that all of our lives are inter-connected and everything affects everything else and past lives and future lives are connected and maybe inter-twined and love is eternal and love is fleeting and maybe the future is the past and the past is the present and the present is the future....  and added that our spirits/souls may or may not live forever and naturally seek out the one true love lifetime after lifetime as we live, die and are born again to be touched or not touched by the actions of our previous lives because an action, great or small, can affect more than one lifetime AND, I've never read nor heard of the book.  So, presently, I have no idea what the movie is really about.

Frankly, the long trailer was more like an advertisement for Blu-Ray.

After seeing both trailers back-to-back, I felt nothing.

The wife said something to me about my inability to put my dirty socks in the laundry hamper.  I told her that the manner in which she expressed herself hurt my feelings.  She responded with, "you have no feelings."

May be.

But clearly, I have no idea what this movie is really about and I'm not even sure I care enough to want to see it.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny. It presents new age-isms and cliche's as being fresh and insightful. It might be a good movie, but the trailer was exhausting.
