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Saturday 17 September 2011

Thirst (2009)

Something a little different on Beerbohmtastic.
I've been wanting to see this film for a while. I am a fan of Korean films. Chan Wook Park is one of the coolest directors of our time. Known fondly as "Mr. Vengeance" his Vengeance Trilogy (related theme and not story or characters) is comprised of Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Old Boy, and Lady Vengeance. Get over the titles for a second... Old Boy was nominated for the Palme D'or Award and won the Grand Prize of the Jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 2004. In total, Old Boy won 17 international awards.

Though his movies can be disturbing with their content and intricate stories, there is a tremendous sense of irony and tragedy that is borderline Shakespearean. In understanding Chan Wook Park these quotes may help:

"My films are the stories of people who place the blame for their actions on others because they refuse to take on the blame themselves."

"I don't feel enjoyment watching films that evoke passivity. If you need that kind of comfort, I don't understand why you wouldn't go to a spa."


The trailer was pretty cool. The premise is that a priest becomes a vampire. This concept alone can only intensify any moral, ethical or spiritual struggle.  I don't know if there has ever been a vampire film where a clergyman has been turned. Let me know if you know of any.

I get the impression from the trailer that witnessing the internal struggle and torment of a vampire priest will be like the morbid fascination of slowly driving past a bloody car wreck. This car wreck, however, will take about two hours...

I'm glad I've found this film and will watch it very soon. Can't wait!

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