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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Young Adult

I watched this trailer twice because I wasn't sure if Charlize Theron's character was serious or just suffering from delusions, cluelessness or possibly narcissistic personality disorder. The background music in the trailer is David Bowie's, Queen Bitch from his 1972 album, Hunky Dory, so is this a tell?

Diablo Cody, who also wrote Juno, which was cute and clever, is likely cute and clever.

Young Adult is the story of a relatively successful writer who returns to her hometown because she wants to rekindle a high school romance. There are two problems. The first is that he is happily married and has a new baby and the second is that she feels that he is the right one for her and doesn't care if she ruins his marriage. In the trailer Charlize is a delusional bitch and is called that by others.

Charlize is a hot, Oscar winning actress that has made some very interesting movies but also played a developmentally delayed woman about to have a fling with Michael in Arrested Development - that was an odd choice.

I'm not sure what I think of Patrick Wilson. I liked him as Night Owl in Watchmen, but in other things I've seen him in he's hit and miss.

Judging by the trailer, which is the point of this blog, I didn't find this story interesting, intriguing or even clever. That said, I want to give Diablo Cody the benefit of the doubt because I can't imagine that this story is as pointless as the trailer looks.

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