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Thursday 11 October 2012


When I reviewed the trailer for Dark Shadows I thought that Johnny Depp looked a little like Count Chocula.  I haven't seen Count Chocula cereal on supermarket shelves in many years.  I heard that it caused blindness in laboratory bats... I still haven't seen either Dark Shadows or Count Chocula.

Tim Burton has a been disappointing lately.  I don't recall liking a Tim Burton movie since Big Fish.  I mentioned how I feel about his vision of Batman so no need to go down that road again.

The trailer for Frankenweenie was a bit disappointing.  It's the Frankenstein story done in Burtonmation - you know, gothamation like the best of it's kind, The Nightmare Before Christmas?  It seems to be geared at children but the warning says: disturbing, not recommended for young children.  Given the Burtonmation, I doubt it's as disturbing as Pet Cemetery.  Remember that one?  Was it the family cat they resurrect or the dog? No, wait, the dog was Cujo... and it he wasn't in Pet Cemetery... I digress again.

Winona Ryder and Catherine O'Hara are in this one.  They played daughter and mother in an early Tim Burton film, Beetlejuice.  Loved that one.

Martin Landau, who I thought passed away after Burton's Ed Wood and won the Oscar posthumously - I don't know why I thought that and I'm glad he's still making movies.  Anyhow, Ed Wood was a great one, too, and Landau as junkie Bela Lugosi was brilliant.

When I say the trailer for Frankenweenie was disappointing I mean that the few variations that stray from the Frankenstein story didn't really grab me in any way.  However, for some reason I get the feeling that there may be more here than meets the...uh... trailer.

I think I'll see this one.

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully, Burton comes back to form with this material and makes it a dark, yet heartfelt tale that never goes that extra-mile to pull on our heartstrings and tell the kiddies something new about life and death, but at least it’s pleasant enough. Hopefully, Burton can keep this winning-record going. Good review.
